Grace Sharing
Within the Church Family
Within the Church Family
There is a tremendous amount of ministry work quietly done by members of Grace Lutheran. The following are examples of arenas of service that focus on supporting one another.
Altar Care
Preparing for each Sunday service requires the support of members. Banners must be hung in the sanctuary, candles tended to, communion prepared, etc. This is a valuable service, and extra volunteers are always welcome! Please contact the church office if you would like to help with Altar Care. Karen Lile Coordinator.
Circle Groups
These volunteer teams help support various church events that come up from time to time at the church. These events might include weddings, funerals, and special events. Servant teams set up tables, help with clean-up, and do the important behind-the-scenes work. Members who join a servant team are usually assigned two months per year in which they are on-call for such events, with the realization that sometimes schedules make participation impractical.
Ushers and Greeters
This is a valuable ministry, as the first face a person sees upon entering the church is often a greeter or usher. We usually need three ushers and a greeter or two for each service. One usher each week is designated as “The Arm”. The Arm awaits arrivals outside the front door, and assists people who may have ambulatory disabilities of any degree get from their cars to their seats inside. Steve Pollard, Usher Coordinator and Robbie Burum, Greeter Coordinator.
Music Teams & Choirs
Grace Church loves music! We often use organ support in our service, but also include woodwinds, keyboards, and other instruments as we can. Additionally, we have seasonal Christmas and Easter choirs that are open to all who love to sing praises to God. Judi Hayes and Lynnda Fuller
Prayer Chain
Prayer requests submitted by Grace Lutheran members, regular attendees, and visitors, are combined into a daily email and sent out to those who have opted to receive these emails and committed to praying for each request. We know that the impact of prayer will be eternal and we are grateful for your partnership in prayer. If you would like to be added to the prayer chain email distribution list, call Cindy Squires at 503-543-7576 or email the church office and it will be forwarded to Cindy.
We know the Lord hears us when we pray (Psalm 34:17).
Church Officers
The elected officers of the church provide vital leadership. Positions include: President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Financial Secretary, Head Elder, and Head Trustee. Leadership teams include the Board of Elders, Board of Trustees, and Board of Education. For details, check our church constitution and/or talk with the congregational President Bill Thomas or other council member. Constitution & By-Laws, Standing Rules.
Within the Community
We have various groups meeting throughout the week at the church. Please check the church calendar or call our office for details.
Red Cross Blood Drive
Grace opens its door annually, usually around the beginning of the calendar year, for a blood drive sponsored by the American Red Cross.
Each Wednesday morning from 9 AM -11 AM, a group of women (members of the church & the community) gather in the fellowship room to create beautiful quilts. These quilts are stored and eventually distributed as a mission project overseas by the Lutheran Women’s Missionary League.
Women in Mission
Grace has a robust Lutheran Women’s Missionary League (LWML). The LWML provides opportunities for monthly and annual meetings and conventions that provide inspiring teaching and fellowship. The church’s LWML sponsors many outreach projects for the church: LWML Mites, a drive to raise donations for overseas outreach projects; LWML school bags, which raises school items for needy students overseas; and the LWML Christmas Giving Tree, which provides seasonal help for needy members of the Scappoose community. Carole Covlin, Chairman.
Grace Christian Children's Center
Our Children's Center offers quality daycare and preschool education for families in our community. Karen Kenehan